Legal provisions

In the context of the law of 17 July 2013 inserting Book III ‘Freedom of establishment, provision of services and general obligations of companies’, in the Code of Economic Law and inserting the definitions specific to Book III and the law enforcement provisions specific to Book III, in Books I and XV of the Code of Economic Law, we would like to inform you of the following information.



1. Your lawyer and his office

You entrust your file to Mr. Kris DHAENE.


Mr. Kris DHAENE is a lawyer in Belgium and is registered at the bar of GHENT.


The office of Mr. Kris DHAENE is located at Sint-Lievenspoortstraat 75, 9000 GENT, Belgium.


Mr. Kris DHAENE practices the profession of lawyer as the sole partner of the BV Advocatenkantoor Kris DHAENE, a group within the meaning of the regulations of the Flemish Bar Association of 8 November 2006 on partnerships between lawyers and on single-member companies of lawyers. 


De BV Advocatenkantoor Kris DHAENE is a civil company in the form of a private company with limited liability under Belgian law. The company number of the office is 0694.700.439.


You can reach the office by email at


As of 01.01.2013, Mr. Kris DHAENE is insured for his professional liability through a collective policy taken out by the Ghent bar with NV AMLIN CORPORATE INSURANCE (with offices in Belgium at 1210 BRUSSELS, Koning Albert II-laan 9).  The policy provides coverage worldwide, subject to clarifications and exceptions included in the civil liability policy for lawyers.



2. Your lawyer and his services

You can contact Mr. Kris DHAENE for the following services, among others: advice, negotiation, assistance in disputes before all courts and tribunals of Belgium, mediation, drafting of agreements, …


You can consult the general terms and conditions that the lawyers apply under ‘II. General terms and conditions’. These conditions can only be consulted in Dutch.

The agreement you conclude with the lawyers is subject to Belgian law and for any disputes, only the courts of the place where the office is located, in particular Ghent, have jurisdiction.



3. For information or complaints

If you wish to obtain further information or if you have a complaint, you can contact Mr. DHAENE:

  • by post to the address: Sint-Lievenspoortstraat 75, 9000 GENT, Belgium,
  • via e-mail at the address:,
  • or by telephone on 0470 41 75 54.



4. Professional rules and codes of conduct

As a lawyer registered at the Ghent bar, Mr. Kris DHAENE is subject to the regulations of the Order of Flemish Bars, which can be consulted at,  as well as the regulations of the bar in Ghent, which can be consulted at